In order to make a proper break, at least one ball must be inserted or four balls of object must run in at least one rail. Otherwise, the same rules apply as in the whole game. The lowest sphere, i.e. the only one, must be touched first. If there is no foul and a ball is inserted, the player continues his movement, otherwise the shot changes. If your opponent commits a foul in the Blackball pool, you will receive 2 moves. These injections can be “transmitted”. For example, if you still have a ball on the table and you take it with your first “free shot”, then you have 2 shots on the black. Should the black ball 8 go in the opposite pocket or in the same pocket as the last striped ball? How do you settle into Straight Pool when the tail ball and the last object ball are in the triangle? Is it possible to win 10 balls with a combination? And what is a spot shot in the Philippine rotation? Some questions come up more often at the pool table than others.

As a safety precaution, we answer all of these questions in our ultimate guide to rules and information for all popular pool variants. No matter what variant of the rules you play, the rules remain the same. If the opposing player commits a foul and you are on the black ball, you are allowed to fire two shots. Of course, the variant of the pool you play determines what is or is not classified as a fault. In many cases, it will be one of the following: In the banking pool, bags can only be placed over the rail, like so-called bank shots. In principle, each object ball can be played on the table and all six pockets are available. The goal of the game is to reach the scoring goal first with properly called and inserted bench shots. An inserted ball counts as one point. There are no so-called security or security shots. If a ball is in the right pocket, the player must continue his shot. One Pocket is one of the most popular pool variants in the United States and especially popular in gaming circles.

Each player is assigned one of the two pockets at the bottom of the table and can only earn points by putting balls in this pocket. The other four pockets are neutral. Nothing needs to be called. Every ball that is put in your pocket with a real shot counts as one point. However, there is an exception to this rule. If there is no light black shot, perhaps because the tail ball was pressed against the rail, you can indicate that it is a push shot. In this situation, you do not need to hit the black ball. Your opponent may allow you to take a second shot, but this will be incredibly rare in the 9-ball pool. They will only ever give you a second chance with the other balls on the table. The winner of a 9-ball game is the player who sinks the 9-ball with a real shot.

It does not matter if it is the last object ball to fall with a normal shot, a valid combination on another ball or by pure chance, as long as the rules for a correct shot are respected. Losing ball 9 during the break also automatically leads to winning the game if the break was executed correctly. In addition, a game can be won if the opponent commits a foul in three consecutive moves (see the rule of three faults). In some billiard variants, you are allowed to position the tail ball on the table wherever you want. However, this is incredibly rare if you play the most competitive versions of the game. If you`re not sure, don`t hesitate to ask your opponent. You can get two shots on ball 8 if your opponent commits a foul – according to the rules of some pool games. However, there is no two-shot rule in a standard American pool rulebook.

In fact, if you play American 8 or 9 balls, you certainly don`t get two shots on the 8 ball. At least not through common or standard sets of rules. English pool is another story. Here is a brief summary of the rules for 8 and 9 balls, based on the official WPA rules. And here is a 1-page summary for 8-ball (PDF version, editable Word version), suitable for display in a bar (created by Nathan Rhoades, Newport RI). Billiards is a popular game played by millions of people around the world. However, there are many different variations of the game, all with very different rules and regulations. By far the most popular forms of the game are those originating in the United States, known as the “eight-ball pool” and “nine-ball” pool. 8 The ball pool is won when one of the following occurs: There are also many “unwritten rules” of pool etiquette that deal with how to behave properly when playing, which should follow: The winner of a 10-ball game is the player who pours the last ball on the table – the 10th – with a suitable shot in said pocket.

In addition, a game can be won if the opponent commits a foul in three consecutive moves (see the rule of three faults). So if player A commits a foul, these rules give player B the opportunity for “two visits to the table.” In other words, they receive two blows. But this rule does not only apply to the 8 balls. In fact, it can happen at any point in the game, even if none of the players shoot 8. To play billiards, the following equipment is required: Both are played on a full-sized pool table with six-pocket rules and both have several championships around the world. However, it`s the eight-ball game that`s most common – the one you`ll likely see playing in your local pool hall and the one most people think of first when the word pool is mentioned. Whether you are eligible for 2 shots on the black ball depends on the type of billiards you are playing. In the Philippines, rotation is the most popular billiards variant after 10-ball. There are a few special rules to follow. Any changes to the CSI/BCAPL/USAPL rules listed on the League Rules Differences page appear to be an improvement, so they should be taken into account.

Here are some others: We draw your attention to the fact that the rules of these two billiards variants can change depending on where you play. It seems that the rules can vary from one pool room to another. Frankly, outside of the competitive pool, there aren`t really any “fixed” rules to the game, other than a few things. Always ask your opponent so you both know what to expect from the game. The goal of the game is to pocket all the balls in your group, then the eighth black ball. The pocket for the eighth ball must be called, but can be selected again for each attempt. According to the official rules of the WPA (World Pool Association), the eighth ball must not be played in the same pocket or in the opposite pocket of the last ball inserted. However, such variations of rules are quite possible and common. In addition to the standard rules, many 9-ball events use the kitchen rule or the 3-point rule. According to this rule, at least three balls of object must return to or through the kitchen after the break for a proper break to occur. It is enough that if the head cord is hit, the bullet does not have to pass through it completely.

Pocketed balls are automatically deducted from the 3-point rule. So if one ball is inserted, only two need to go into the kitchen. If two balls are inserted, only one should go to the kitchen. If three or more balls are inserted, the kitchen ruler is automatically respected. All other combinations mean an “illegal breakup”. If such an illegal break occurs, the eligible player may decide to take charge of the situation or let the player who caused the illegal break continue playing. If the player takes over, then a correct shot must be made on the lowest ball that remains on the table. If the shot is returned, the person who caused the illegal break can continue the game with a push-out. Since there is no “two shot” rule in the 9-ball pool, there will never be two shots in the black. All the different rules around pool games can be quite confusing. It doesn`t help that when you play a friendly match in a bar or someone`s home, they play by rules you`ve never heard of. These are often referred to as “house rules” and are why you should clarify important rules before taking the first shot.