– Pets prohibited: puma, black bear, raccoon, bobcat It is illegal to own a wild animal in Wisconsin without a license, with a few exceptions. Permits are not required to possess chipmunks, rats, squirrels, weasels and pocket gophers, among others. – Pets prohibited: bear, wolf, coyote, weasel, badger, hyena In Virginia, it is illegal to own non-native exotic animals considered predators or undesirable as pets. According to the state, non-native exotic animals include: bears, wolves, coyotes, weasels, badgers, hyenas, all kinds of undomesticated cats, alligators and crocodiles, among others. In addition to these forms, you must also keep a certificate of origin, contract of sale, or other documents proving that individuals of a species or subspecies of reptiles and amphibians from lists A and B above were acquired legally. (No animals caught in Maryland or List C may be marketed.) You must keep this document for as long as the person remains in your possession. It is illegal to own dangerous regulated animals, including: Email application: (including US Mailing Address)customerservice.dnr@maryland.gov – Prohibited animals: Cheetah, Monkey, Monkey, Gorilla, Kangaroo, Utah Lemur Residents must receive a registration certificate to possess certain “controlled” species, while other animals are expressly prohibited. If you are a reptile lover, know that it is legal to own a desert night lizard with a permit, but the Glen Canyon Chuckwalla (a relative of the iguana) is prohibited. – Pets prohibited: it is illegal to own wild animals without a license (the law does not mention specific animals) Any unauthorized wildlife is excluded from the table in Oklahoma. Permits are available for $48. If you are found guilty of violating this law, you risk a fine of at least $100 and the revocation of your wild liquor licence if you have one. Georgia`s Department of Natural Resources describes illegal animals as inherently dangerous animals. This classification includes kangaroos, primates, undomesticated dogs, undomesticated cats, crocodiles, alligators, elephants, bats, piranhas, air-breathing catfish, gila monsters, cobras and other venomous snakes.

If you want to have a capuchin monkey as a pet, a special permit is required. You don`t need a permit for European sugar gliders or ferrets. Domesticated rabbits and small rodents are also allowed without permission, with the exception of hedgehogs. – Pets prohibited: lion, tiger, bear, six or more bobcats, rabbits, quails, monkeys, baboons, macaques If you own six or more bobcats, you are out of luck in Arkansas. This particular amount of bobcats is prohibited, as are lions, tigers, bears, rabbits, quails, monkeys, baboons and macaques. However, under certain conditions, wolves are allowed. Humans can only legally own large carnivores if they had the animal on or before the regulation came into force – and even then, they must meet other requirements, including obtaining an annual permit for personal ownership. – Pets Prohibited: Permits required for primates, carnivores, amphibians, reptiles, canids, and insects To protect Rhode Islanders from physical harm and disease, a permit is required to own wildlife. If a wildlife in legal possession poses a threat to public safety in any way, law enforcement may seize it. Maybe you`ve always wanted to own a monkey, or you`re wondering if it`s legal for your neighbor to have this puma in their garden. Fortunately for your curiosity, every state has exotic animal laws that allow, restrict, or prohibit the possession of certain animal species. The following article describes in detail some of these state laws.

Large carnivores such as lions, tigers and bears belong illegally, as do monkeys, baboons and macaques. There is also a limit of six animals per owner for bobcats, squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, quails, opossums, coyotes, deer, red foxes and grey foxes. If you acquired an animal in another state, you must prove that it was acquired legally. If you`re considering allowing pets in your Montgomery County rental home, be sure to familiarize yourself with the types of pets tenants may own. While landlords don`t like the idea of owning a 300-pound pot belly pig or a flying sugar glider, your tenants might. Because these pets are legal in most states, your tenants can legally own these pets and rent your property unless you tell you otherwise. According to the Florida Administrative Code, it is illegal to own Class I animals and Class II animals require a permit. Class I animals include bears, big cats, rhinos, crocodiles, chimpanzees and more. Class II includes howler monkeys, macaques, bobcats, pumas, cheetahs, alligators, wolves, giraffes and more.

A 2010 law prohibits the import, sale and spread of alien species. This law further restricts the capture and possession of poisonous reptiles and other affected reptiles, unless the owner already has a permit before the law. You do not need a permit to keep ferrets, parrots, hedgehogs, chinchillas and other small rodents. Exotic animals in Maryland are subject to laws that went into effect in October 2006. These laws aim to protect wild animals from buying, breeding, selling and keeping domestic life, as they are both potentially dangerous and cruel. Therefore, under the law, individuals cannot legally own the following pets when staying in a rental property or other property. – Pets prohibited: wolf, hyena, leopard, bear, primate, crocodile, cobra, python A warning for owners of exotic animals: Last summer in Iowa, a 2-year-old girl was attacked by a wolf and suffered injuries to her arm and hand. The wolf was then euthanized. Other prohibited animals include hyenas, leopards, bears, primates, crocodiles, cobras and pythons. Those who own legal exotic animals in Iowa are subject to an annual registration fee; A pet elephant, for example, will earn you $500 each year. In Oregon, it is illegal to own wild cats, bears other than black bears, dogs, monkeys, alligators, crocodiles or caimans not native to Oregon. You can get a special permit for a service monkey.

Animals you can have without permission include alpacas, ferrets, bison, camels, chinchillas, emus, ostriches, llamas, lemurs, sugar gliders and giraffes. Pennsylvania does not list exotic animals that are legally kept without permission. Another rodent that is legal to own in the United States is the chinchilla. The incredibly soft fur and intelligent spirit of this pet appeal to pet owners. Chinchillas are omnivorous and can live an average of 12 to 17 years.